Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Listen Up! Youth Media Network continued

Listen Up! Youth Media Network continued

Here is a video I found on suicide among teenagers. Watching this video made me feel very sad.


When teens talk back to the mainstream media via the Listen Up! space, they really want the viewers to pay attention to what is going on in the world. There are so many different issues that are being explored through the eyes of these teens. One issue is about body image. There is a video posted on this website in which a girl talks about body images in a negative perception. In terms of her negative perception, she talks about bulimia, anorexia, fat-free foods, etc. Most of these videos deal with negative stories just like that one. However, there are positive stories as well that portray teens in a more positive light. Overall, this website is great for teens because they can really express themselves in whatever way they choose to. It is all about their stories and their lives.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Helen Marie/Listen Up! Youth Media Network

Listen Up! Youth Media Network

This website is dedicated to certain teenagers who try to make a difference in their lives. The videos that they post on the website portray the high and low points in their lives. This is their way of "talking back" to people. Out of all the videos I watched, there are two that really stand out for me. The first video is on a boy named Will Quinones who is eighteen years old. He had a very difficult childhood which caused him to cut school. Now, he attends the High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology. He still has the urge to cut school but the decision to cut school does not come entirely from him. He is mainly influenced by his peers. It is that certain peer pressure from his friends that drives Will into making his decision. As time goes on for Will, he wonders if his life will ever be on the right track.
The second video is on young teenage girls from Baltimore, Maryland. They speak about different topics such as fashion, music, and fun activities. A couple of girls expressed their love for music. One girl said "My favorite song is "No Air" by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown". A couple of other girls expressed what they like to do for fun. One girl said "On my spare time, I either watch YouTube or draw cartoons". I found that to be interesting because drawing is considered to be an old-fashioned activity. YouTube has only been around for a few years. One would think that young girls would be more interested in coloring pictures and designing their own art. However, in our world of advanced technology, things have changed.

When I was watching the videos, nothing confused me at all. I completely understand what this website represents. For the most part, I was looking into the lives of different teenagers and hearing what they had to say about certain things in their lives.

The first video relates to Thomas Hine's "The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager". Both of these stories emphasize the struggles that kids face in their lives. The second video relates to Lauren Greenfield's "Fast Forward Ten Years". Both of these stories emphasize different influences on young teenagers.

Overall, I feel that Listen Up! Youth Media Network is a great website for teenagers because they are able to share their perspectives on what their lives are like. Whether they share positive or negative stories, they represent who they are to the fullest.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Stephanie DiMaio, Kerri Libassi/Working Outline of Our Project

Working Outline of Our Project

- For our project, Kerri and I have already put together a list of questions we want to ask the
teens. We may incorporate some more questions into that list.

- This Tuesday, April 14th, Kerri and I are going to interview two to four teens at my house
sometime during the day. We are going to ask them questions on the media and how it relates
to college life. Basically, we want to know what the media teaches teens about college life.

- Then, sometime after the interview, Kerri and I are going to come up with some sort of a way
to present this topic in front of the class. The idea of having the class participate in our
presentation came to our minds but that idea is still being explored.

- After we decide on what we want to do, we will finally work on the electronic part of our
presentation and prepare some sort of a handout to go along with our presentation as well.
We will make sure that we have handouts for everyone in the class.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Henry Jenkins, Discussion: MySpace and Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA)/Gabriel Sherman, Testing Horace Mann

Discussion: MySpace and Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA)/Testing Horace Mann

In the MySpace article, Henry Jenkins expresses that MySpace can be a very public online communication tool. It has its perks but there is a downside to it as well. People of all ages are using MySpace and that is a cause of concern. Jenkins says, "In some cases, teens and adults have developed different notions of privacy: young people feel more comfortable sharing aspects of their lives (for example, their sexual identities) that previous generations would have kept secret. In some cases, teens do not fully understand the risks of making certain information public.". The sexual images and images of underage drinking are another cause of concern. The point is that MySpace can be an easy accessible tool for people with hidden agendas.
In Gabriel Sherman's article, he expresses upon the risks of using MySpace and Facebook. He points out that these sites should be separated from school communities because teachers and students can get easily affected by them. It is easy for students to make derogatory comments on teachers by using these online tools. They figure that, by going online, they can get away with a lot more. It is easier for them to sit behind a laptop than to actually face their teachers in person. Personally, I feel that certain behavior is downright wrong and cowardly.

When I was reading both articles, nothing confused me at all. I understood the messages behind these articles. The first article relates to Marc Prensky's Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants because they both touch upon generations of people in the media world. The second article relates to one of the articles I found on media literacy. The article is called Why is Media Literacy Important from Wikiversity. Both of these articles touch upon the relationships between students and teachers. Overall, I have to say that I do not use MySpace because I have no interest in using it. However, I do use Facebook. I am very careful with how I use it and I enjoy being on it. Recently, I became "friends" with three actors from my favorite soap opera, "The Young and the Restless". That made me very happy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Will Dunham, Associated Press, Agence France-Presse/Teenagers in the News

Teenagers in the News

The first news story I found is on the rate of teen births in the United States. This article is by Will Dunham. Dunham points out that the birth rate among teenage girls has increased within the past four years. The reason behind this is that teenage girls focus more on sex and focus less on contraceptives. The problem is that these teenage girls are not getting the proper education regarding sex. Dunham says, "Some experts blame the teen birth rate increases on the government's support for "abstinence-only" education under the Bush administration that left office in January, but advocates of that approach have defended it as sound.". Dunham also points out that the only "good" thing relating to this matter is that the rate of premature births and low birthweight babies has declined which is good to hear. The second news story I found is on the comparison of teen tanning to underage smoking. This article is by the Associated Press. In Texas, there is a law that might be passed stating that anyone under eighteen years old must have a doctor's note before using a tanning bed and, also, that a parent must be with their child in the salon. A lawmaker is trying to point out that the effects of tanning are the same when it comes to the effects of smoking. They both provide the same risk for cancer. Rep. Burt Solomons says, "In the United States and Texas, we don't allow our teens to purchase cigarettes until after they are 18 because it is a carcinogen. Yet we don't do that for tanning beds, which can expose teens to the same risk of cancer.". I feel that this bill is a logical plan because teens, whether it be girls or boys, are at potential high risks of getting skin cancer and something has to be done about that. The third news story I found is on explicit song lyrics linked to sex among teenagers. This article is by the Agence France-Presse, which is the French Associated Press. This is a common problem we see today because it seems that sex is constantly used in different song genres mainly in hip hop. The lyrics pertaining to sex in hip hop music has direct influences on teenagers. Whether it be pop music or hip hop music, the lyrics can be too "oversexed" or just downright degrading. Degrading lyrics portray males having complete sexual domination over females and that is not what we want teens to hear. They can take that with them and use it to their advantages when they choose to have sex.

When I read these articles, nothing confused me at all. I understood everything that was depicted in these stories. From what our class has read so far, Tricia Rose's The Hip Hop Wars has a relation to the story on the explicit lyrics. Both of these articles are expressed upon the influences of music on teenagers. Overall, each of the news stories I read are engaging and very informative.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lauren Greenfield/Fast Forward Ten Years

Fast Forward Ten Years

In this reading, Lauren Greenfield emphasizes on the glamourized world through the eyes of pre-teens and teenagers. She expresses that they seem to be "hypnotized" by what they see in front of them. Her main idea is that the media mainly influences their lives. She says, "The popularity of reality television and the phenomenon of the "web cam" have glorified celebrity as a worthy and attainable goal for young people.". That has basically become a part of their everyday lives.
Today, it is obvious that young girls look up to people like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. There are some cases when some of the girls really admire them because of their talent. However, I feel that the majority of teenage girls just look up to them because of the way that they present themselves. Britney and Christina can also be known for their style which is suggestively sexy. Greenfield says, "Precocious sexuality among teens and pre-teens is now a familiar part of the cultural fabric.". I have to say that I agree with that because this has become more popular than ever before.

One thing I do not understand is why people like Britney and Christina are absent from this reading. The right people pertaining to this reading are present but it is the actual influences on the people that are missing. In my perspective, the influences are people like Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie. While I was looking at the photos from the reading, I did not see anyone like that. Also, I did not see any pop stars.

This reading does relate to Thomas Hine's reading. They both express upon influences and how they can affect a teenager's life. Whether it be family members or glamourized celebrities, they are the ones who have a big impact on teenagers' lives. Even Tricia Rose's text has a connection to Greenfield's text. They both express upon the economic side of the media. Whether it is buying a 50 Cent CD or purchasing a J-Lo jacket, teenagers are always excited by what their favorite singer or role model has for them.

I really enjoyed reading Greenfield's work because, I too, am fascinated with the media as she is. The media is part of everyday culture that will continue to be existent for generations to come.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Curtis Sittenfeld/Prep


In Prep, Curtis Sittenfeld expresses upon the idea of negligence towards outcasts. He expresses that, even though people make mistakes, they can still be judged for making them. The main character in Prep, Lee Fiora, is a primary example. She had to face her classmates because of one mistake her teacher made. Even though Lee was not the one who made the mistake, she was still being criticized for it. She says, "I would never have friends; the best I'd be able to hope for from my classmates would be pity.". I think that Sittenfeld is trying to say that neglecting people in a certain situation like that is not the way to resolve a matter.

I understood this story very well. There was nothing that confused me. It did not throw me off at all.

So far, we have not really talked about neglecting teenagers in class. However, it is a significant topic concerning them and it would be interesting if it was addressed more in class.

I have to say that this story made me think about teenagers deserving respect. They deserve to be heard and not get shut out by anyone. They are still trying to find themselves and I bet that it is not easy for them.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tricia Rose/The Hip Hop Wars

The Hip Hop Wars

In this article, Tricia Rose does not ignore the good and bad side of hip-hop. She emphasizes that hip-hop is not dead, just the history of it is. In the early years of hip-hop, people of all different ages would actually come together for the sake of hip-hop because it was considered to be "safe" back then. No one was rapping about violence or derogatory statements on women. When Tricia Rose talks about what hip-hop was like back then, she says "It was mostly for fun and for play. It wasn't primarily an economic industry, where people got involved more for money than for creativity. It had live community origins."
In the world of hip-hop today, it seems like there is no limit to anything. Rappers have the freedom to say what they want to say. It also seems like they do not care if anyone is offended by their music as well. These are the rap artists who rap about the sex and violence. However, there are some rap artists out there, like Common, who actually rap about important topics such as politics and war. I feel that these are the kind of artists who have a major influence in our world today.

While I was reading this article, I really understood Tricia Rose's words and wisdom on this essential topic. I definitely agree with her when she said that people need to get involved with an educated, sophisticated position on hip-hop. That would really make people think about the certain messages coming from within the lyrics of a hip-hop song.

So far, we have not talked about the relevance of hip-hop in class. However, I know that will change the next time we have class.

I have to say that Common is one of my favorite artists that I listen to. He carries out important messages on politics and love which do not include derogatory remarks. I feel that his lyrics are really smooth and people should not be offended by his music at all.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Marc Prensky/Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants

In this article, Marc Prensky emphasizes that the digital age is very affective towards students in classrooms. He emphasizes that students rely too much on technology. They have a hard time paying attention to lectures in classes. He says, "They are used to the instantaneity of hypertext, downloaded music, phones in their pockets, a library on their laptops, beamed messages and instant messaging. They've been networked most or all of their lives. They have little patience for lectures, step-by-step logic, and "tell-test" instruction."
His point is that the reason why students rely so much on technology is because technology is the new "text" when it comes to their education. Students prefer to use technology whereas their teachers prefer to actually verbally speak in classes. However, that has changed significantly. Older people have been learning how to use technology to their advantages. Prensky says, "Today's older folk were "socialized" differently from their kids, and are now in the process of learning a new language. And a language learned later in life, scientists tell us, goes into a different part of the brain."

I did not get confused while reading this article at all. I think it is very thorough and concise. So far, I cannot relate this reading to anything we have done in class yet.

One comment that I have to make is that there are some people out there still who refuse to accept technology. It is usually the ones who prefer to stay old-fashioned.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thomas Hine/The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager

The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager

In this article, Thomas Hine expresses his own ideas about the hardships of raising teenagers. He emphasizes that it is difficult to put parents into their kids' shoes. The parents cannot relate to their kids because they only remember when they were teenagers themselves. Some parents do not see teenagers as being competent. They feel like they are bound to make mistakes everyday of their lives until they become adults. As far as the positive side of teenagers go, Thomas Hine feels that teenagers need to enjoy their lives while they are still young. He emphasizes that certain values can help teenagers create better futures for themselves. He says, "For many individuals, such a long period of education, exploration, and deferred responsibility has been a tremendous gift". He also says, "When I speak of the rise of the teenager, I'm really talking about the acceptance of the idea that youth is a time for experimentation and protracted preparation, usually in school". I have to say that I agree with that statement.
Thomas Hine expresses that, overall, teenagers are very difficult to deal with. Some parents have learned how to deal with them and some parents still have had trouble with learning how to accept them. Whether teenagers are doing criminal activities or having sex, parents have a hard time of preventing all of it. Some parents just let it happen and do not even care what happens in the aftermath. Overall, teenagers adapt to their own worlds in which they choose to live in.

Personally, I did not get confused by this article at all. I thought that Thomas Hine gave some really strong points in this article and I enjoyed reading about them.

I think that this reading does not relate to anything we have covered in class so far. However, I have a feeling we will talk about certain things pertaining to this article in further detail as we have more class discussions. There is a question that popped into my mind once I was done reading this article and that question is "What are teenagers' lives' going to be like in the near future?"

Saturday, January 31, 2009

When I was 13 years old, my hormones immediately kicked in. I was changing in the inside because I did not know how to deal with myself. I was still not sure of who I was back then. However, my friends were so important to me at that time because they represented comfort in my life. They always made me feel happy no matter what.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Media Literacy

Google/Media Literacy

There is some essential facts about media literacy on this site. It gives a broader look on how students perceive what is around them. It also provides useful information on what kind of skills they can develop from working together as a whole. This site emphasizes new ways for children to learn as well. It also emphasizes building success for children.

the definition of media literacy
what the media does to represent certain aspects of life

This Web page talks about gender which we discussed somewhat in class.

I like this Web page because it focuses on the importance of why media matters in life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us

Linda Christensen/Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us

Linda Christensen emphasizes to readers that children learn more from certain things that surround them such as cartoons, movies, and literature. All they see is the pleasure that comes from within them. She tries to prove a point that there is more than meets the eye. She says "First I want students to critique portrayals of hierarchy and inequality in children's movies and cartoons. Then I want to enlist them to imagine a better world, characterized by relationships of respect and equality."

I do not understand what Linda meant when she said "Our students suckle the same pap."
I also do not understand what she meant when she was talking about stereotypes saying that "Men must be virile and wield power or be old and the object of "good-natured" humor."

I can relate this new reading to the project of analyzing teenagers that we did in class.
It kind of relates to the whole stereotypical aspect whether it be analyzing teenagers or analyzing children.

I feel that this reading is an insightful look on how children should better understand the values and/or non-values of what is being displayed in front of them.